Learn from Casco Bay Estuary Partnership's director, Curtis Bohlen, about highlights from the latest State of the Bay report, including the importance of land conservation for water quality, interesting measurements of bay health, such as eelgrass abundance, and the effects of ocean acidification on shellfish. He will also discuss how CBEP is working with towns on ways to make the bay and communities more resilient. Held in collaboration with Prince Memorial Library, Chebeague Climate Action Team, and Cumberland Sustainability Committee.
Note: Registration at https://princememorial.libcal.com/calendar/16477/casco-bay.
Date: April 25, 2024
Start Time: 7:00 p.m.
Stop Time: 8:00 p.m.
Location: Zoom event
Name: Stacey Cramp
Email: stacey@ccltmaine.org